Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Blog: P2P

File sharing is the practice of distributing or providing access to digital media, such as computer programs, multimedia, documents or electronic books. P2P file sharing is peer to peer file sharing where files can be shared from the users. This allows people to not only be the one looking for files but also the one that are distributing the files that other people want. As long as people are within the shared network they are able to share files with one another creating a larger amount of resources that you can find. Examples of a P2P file sharing platform is noted in "Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other" by Wendy Kaufman where she discussed the Lending Club and Prosper. They work by having investors put up the money to fund loans that have a rate if return based on it. Instead of going to any large corporations like a bank they invest among each other the people.

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