Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Creativity is everywhere now, everything that we own is a product of creativity. The endless bounds of creativity that is obtainable now is all due to the technology that help us achieve things that only our minds can imagine. In "The new math of mashups." by Sasha Frere. Jones we discuss a new way of making music that wasn't really a thing in the past. mostly this is capable because of the technology that is readily available right now. There is a whole music genre that is sound made by technology that is only possible due to the innovations that have been made up to this point.  This is just one example of how technology inspires everyone to think creatively and that nothing is really impossible . A lot of times people imagine the most creative yet bizarre ideas, that are sometimes impossible but eventually through a lot of hard work become something possible. My mom still can't get her head around the fact that we can video call people from across the globe when that has been a technology available for over 10-20 years. Things that were unimaginable are now  part of our everyday society. So whatever idea is in your mind is also something that is possible in the near future.

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