Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Blog about Twitter

I think a Twitter discussion is very similar to a BlackBoard discussion. The only thing I would say that is different is that Twitter is a lot easier to use than BlackBoard discussions and more accessible for a lot of people. However, Twitter is a lot more public to BlackBoard discussions, wherein a BlackBoard discussion it is closed to the class or a small group of people. While on Twitter anyone can view what you say or write and it is no longer a small group but a whole word. Even though it would tend to be a small group the possibility of going public is always there.
Electronic discussions such as Twitter and BlackBoard discussions are uncomparable to an in-person discussion because in person they are a lot more direct and it is a spur of the moment thought rather than something that is well thought out. Often times when you are pressured that would be your most genuine self rather than having time to think out a response at times. The thought out responses can often be more insightful and knowledgeable but there is an "oomph" factor in human discussions that makes it different than talking through any electronic device.

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